As the world grapples with pandemics such as the one caused by the coronavirus known as Covid-19, we become consumed by how these viruses and other diseases spread. And as someone who may have bedbugs, of course one your major concerns is: “can bedbugs spread viruses, such as coronavirus, and other diseases?”

The good news is that there is no scientific proof that bedbugs spread any type of disease, infections or viruses to humans. And this includes Covid-19.

Studies Show Bedbugs Don’t Transmit Diseases and Viruses.

Obviously, when the world is faced with so much death and disease caused by a microscopic virus, it is natural to be concerned about how that virus can transmit.

And if you have recently traveled, and brought back bedbugs with you, especially if from a region known to have a large outbreak of the coronavirus, or other pandemic or other pestilence flareup, then you have every right to be concerned. But, according to every bit of research on bedbugs and whether they transmit disease to humans, bedbugs are not something you need to worry about getting sick from.

let’s take a look at some of the studies on the subject.  Now as of the writing of this article, coronavirus is still relatively new, so there are no studies with regards to its spread and that of bedbugs, but by examing other studies, we can see the likelihood of it spreading via bedbugs is slim, or virtually nonexistent.

As mentioned in our article “Do Bedbug Bites Hurt?,” there are no know bedbug to human transmisssions of disease, nor are they known to carry diseases.

Again, we can point to the CDC’s website (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)to find that bedbugs do not carry disease.  Furthermore, the CDC states, in regarding the health risks that bedbugs may carry:

A bed bug bite affects each person differently. Bite responses can range from an absence of any physical signs of the bite, to a small bite mark, to a serious allergic reaction. Bed bugs are not considered to be dangerous; however, an allergic reaction to several bites may need medical attention.

The key takeaway here is that “bedbugs are not considered to be dangerous…”.  For the source of that article, please refer to the link above the quote.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), published a study on “Bedbugs and Infectious Diseases” and found that much of the science of whether bedbugs transmit disease needs to be further studied.



Can Be Painful After the Bite.

Usually you will never feel the pain of a bedbug bite, both during the bite and then after being bitten.  But after a couple of days, you may notice some small red welts on your skin, and these welts may itch. This inflammation and irritation is normal.  The itchiness comes from an allergic reaction between your skin and the bedbug’s saliva that was injected into it from the bite. For the welt to feel itchy is totally normal.

Typically, the pain one associates with a bedbug bite after they’ve been bitten is caused by the scratching of these welts, which can in turn make them very painful.

If you’ve been bitten, do not scratch. Period.  Scratching literally inflames the skin. Think about it, you are scrapping your hard fingernails over a very sensitive part of your skin – a welt from a bite.  Is there any wonder that this bedbug bump can became inflamed or start to bleed, or much worse, become infected?

How Long Will Pain Last from Bedbug Bite?

It’s different on a case-by-case basis, but typically the itching or pain will last about a week.  The symptoms of the bite (i.e. the swelling, inflammation, welt) normally takes one to two weeks to dissipate, although there are instances, depending on the person where they can sometime take a couple of months to heal.

What Are Some of the Symptoms from a Bedbug Bite?

The symptoms vary from person-to-person.  But some of the things you may encounter when bitten by a bedbug include:

  • a burning, painful feeling (rare)
  • a raised, itchy bump that has a clear or white center. Looks kind of like a pimple.
  • a red, itchy bump with a dark center, but is lighter around the swollen surrounding area
  • small red bumps or welts that veer left and right or a line
  • small red bumps surrounded by clusters of blisters or hives 
  • Inflamed papule that may erupt or leak when inflamed
  • Tiny spattering of dried blood from bites found on sheets or clothing
  • Red-brown stains on around bed (or on bed) fabrics from bedbug droppings
  • Bedbug skins that have been shed, usually white or clear skins

Do All People React the Same to a Bedbug Bite?

No, not all people react the same to bedbug bites.  Everyone has a different immune system and different tolerances to skin irritations.  While it is most common for symptoms to not manifest themselves for a couple of days, sometimes the reaction is almost simultaneous.  Which means, shortly after being bitten the itchiness can start, which may result in disrupting one’s sleep pattern.

How To Relieve Bedbug Bite Pain.

First of all, don’t scratch no matter how much it itches. We’ve already determined that most often times the pain from a bedbug bite is caused by the incessant scratching and not the bite itself. So don’t scratch.  The best defense against scratching would be to get an anti-itch cream or ointment.  Below are some specifically for bedbug and other bug bites.

Secondly, if the bites seem especially painful, or your body is covered with them, then you may want to see your doctor.  Seeing a doctor is obviously the best solution anytime something out of the ordinary ails you.

But, if you are just looking for some temporarily relief, there are over the counter treatments available in the forms of gels and creams.  For the most part bedbug bite treatments are similar to ones you’d get for mosquito bites or flea bites and many of the same products you use for those will work.  Remember, you are looking for temporarily relief from the itching (or in some cases pain).  Your local pharmacy stocks those products, or for ease you can order them online.  Here are a few bedbug treatments you can use from Amazon.

Bed Bug Bite Relief Gel

No Bite Me

All Natural Emu Joy On The Go Stick

Check out our recommended resources page for additional bedbug treatments.

Do Bedbugs Carry Diseases?

There are no cases that bedbugs transmit diseases from one person to another, nor that they carry diseases.  So the likelihood of you getting sick from your bedbug bite (other than an infection that may occur from the scratching of welts) is little to none.  And if you’re really not sure, you can always read what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has to say about it.